Witness this wild dance of barely-clad men wearing only grass skirts-the “demon dance” is truly a strange and unique sight to see!
The Mitsuke Tenjin Shrine (Yanahime Shrine) festival is an annual festival held over a period of eight days. The main part of the event, the Urayasu-no-Mai dance, starts on September 23 at 10 am, followed by the nighttime “Naked Festival.”
At 9 pm, members of the public gather at the shrine after winding through the town. After 11 pm, the bold barely-clad dancers descend on the shrine to perform the “demon dance." The wild dancing of these almost completely nude men is truly a strange-yet amazing-sight to see. At the climax of the dance, a series of eight bells is rung and the portable shrine is returned to Omikunitama Shrine.
The hamagori of September 20th: After a Shinto ritual at the altar, the dancers purify themselves-heart and soul-in the sea waters at Fukuda
見付天神 矢奈比賣神社
Mitsuke Tenjin Shrine (Yanahime Shrine)
祭ID | F1306 |
祭名称 | 見付天神裸祭 Mitsuke Tenjin Naked Festival (みつけてんじんはだかまつり) |
祭タイプ | 踊り、装束行列 |
一般募集 | 不明 |
ホームページ | https://www.mitsuke-tenjin.com/s-taisai/ |
開催場所 | 静岡県磐田市 Iwata City Shizuoka Prefecture |
開催時期 | 8月 (【毎年】大祭日:旧暦8月10日に近い土日) |
祭り情報掲載日/ 最終更新日 |
2024年01月22日/ 2024年01月22日 |
問い合わせ先 |
見付天神裸祭保存会 Mitsuke Tenjin Naked Festival Preservation Society 担当: () TEL:0538-32-5222 |
地域伝統芸能活用センター まつりーと事務局2