まつりーと We love MATSURI

遠山の霜月祭 Tohyama Shimotsuki Matsuri (とおやまのしもつきまつり)



Boiling water and dancing throughout the night!





中郷 正八幡宮 12月3日(土)
小道木・川合 熊野神社 12月3日(土)
木沢 正八幡神社 12月10日(土)
上町 正八幡宮 12月11日(日)
和田 諏訪神社 12月13日(火)
下栗 拾五社大明神 12月13日(火)
程野 正八幡宮 12月14日(水)
八重河内 正八幡神社 12月15日(木)

遠山霜月祭保存会 0260-34-5111、上村遠山霜月祭保存会0260-36-2211
Toyama Shimotsuki Festival Preservation Association

Boiling water and dancing at a shrine in mid-winter!
A festival of resurrection to entertain the gods all throughout the night.

A festival of resurrection where gods from across the country are invited to be entertained in mid-winter, when daytime is the shortest and vitality is at its lowest. It is held on a different day for each shrine at various settlements in the Tohyama Valley. Although it differs from shrine to shrine, the events include one in prayer for good health as water is boiled in a cauldron, and a dance for purifying the place as evening approaches. When the gods from across the country are sent back in the middle of the night, gods of the villages and the enshrined gods appear in masks. The excitement reaches its peak when four masked gods hop around the cooking stoves.
Sacred hot water being splashed around. The austere discipline it takes to empty the hot water with bare hands can only be witnessed at this ritual. It is said that one will not catch a cold all throughout the year if they get splashed with this hot water.

Nakago / Shohachimangu Shrine: Dec. 3 (Sat)
Kodoki - Kawai / Kumano Shrine: Dec. 3 (Sat)
Kizawa / Shohachiman Shrine: Dec. 10 (Sat)
Kamimachi / Shohachimangu Shrine: Dec. 11 (Sun)
Wada / Suwa Shrine: Dec. 13 (Tue)
Shimoguri / Jugosha Daimyojin Shrine: Dec. 13 (Tue)
Hodono / Shohachimangu Shrine: Dec. 14 (Wed)
Yaegouchi / Shohachiman Shrine: Dec. 15 (Thu)


祭ID F1135
祭名称 遠山の霜月祭 Tohyama Shimotsuki Matsuri 
祭タイプ なまはげ、左義長、その他正月、冬、春の行事
一般募集 不明
ホームページ https://shimotsukimatsuri.com/ 
開催場所 長野県飯田市 Iida City Nagano Prefecture
開催時期 12月 (毎年 12月第1土曜~12/15)
問い合わせ先 遠山郷観光協会
担当: (まつりじょうほうけいさいたんとうしゃ)


地域伝統芸能活用センター まつりーと事務局2